magazine – Halal Gems
  • Profile : Golden Tiffin

    June 16, 2017 Halal Gems Team

    We caught up with Thahmina Haseen, the up and coming food blogger behind Golden Tiffin

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  • Restaurants in Ramadan : Life on the other side of the counter

    May 31, 2017 Halal Gems Team

    What is Ramadan like for restaurant owners and fasting staff?

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  • Fasting times around the world

    May 31, 2017 Halal Gems Team

    How long will you be fasting for this Ramadan? We’ve put together two handy graphics for you to see how many hours you’ll have between Fajr and Maghrib.

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  • Chef Stories: Norman Musa

    July 4, 2015 Halal Gems Team

    To read more articles like this, download Halal Gems Magazine here. If you yourself were a food dish, what would you be and why? Nasi Lemak – this is one of the best dishes that represents multi- ethnic Malaysia and which reflects my mission in promoting Malaysian food to the world. The famous dish is…

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  • For the Love of Food: Duke of Delhi

    July 3, 2015 Halal Gems Team

    To read more articles like this, download Halal Gems Magazine here. ZENA BUTT What do chocolate, elephants and Bombay mix have in common? This morning I found myself in the company of a Duke who explained everything. But let me backtrack. I’m a British Asian. This means I add a dash of masala to my…

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  • 5 Questions with Henry Hargreaves

    July 3, 2015 Halal Gems Team

    To read more articles like this, download Halal Gems Magazine here. Fatema Zehra Bandali Photographer Henry Hargreaves tastes the rainbow by creating edible multi-coloured versions of classic dishes in his series ‘Food of the Rainbow’. Whilst we interact with food several times a day, we rarely note it further than something to eat. Hargreaves is…

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  • Where Food & Art Collide

    July 3, 2015 Halal Gems Team

    To read more articles like this, download Halal Gems Magazine here. FATEMA ZEHRA BANDALI As kids, most of us were told not to play with our food. Fatema Zehra introduces the ‘Art of Food’ and talks to food artists Henry Hargreaves and Bompas & Parr, who have taken playing with food to new heights. Food…

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  • Guest Review: Nasi Kandar Pelita, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    July 3, 2015 Halal Gems Team

    Review of Nasi Kandar Pelita, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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  • Smart Chocolate

    July 3, 2015 Halal Gems Team

    To read more articles like this, download Halal Gems Magazine here. ALIYA ZAIDI Former mathematician turned award-winning chocolatier Aneesh Popat has invented a new type of chocolate. It’s a water based ganache that contains no butter or cream, which means it contains 40-50% fewer calories than commercially available brands of truffles. Aneesh has combined his…

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  • Superfood Chocolate

    July 3, 2015 Halal Gems Team

    To read more articles like this, download Halal Gems Magazine here. MARYAM ABBAS The words ‘chocolate’ and ‘healthy’ are usually at opposite ends of our minds, but is this something that could change with the launch of Carey Davis-Munro’s ‘Sweet Virtues Luxury Chocolate Truffles’? Each hand-made truffle is dairy, alcohol and gluten free and is…

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